A New Approach to ‘Normal’ Hearing
Losing any of your senses is not an exciting realization to encounter and we understand. Whether it’s losing your hearing or vision, it can be rather costly to restore daily functioning of either sense. For hearing loss, the month of May marks a special time of year as the journey to better hearing is celebrated…
The NuEar Pilgrimage for Better Hearing
How many times have you heard of someone moving from the sunny beaches of California to the arctic splendor of Minnesota? Probably not often, but for our hearing aid technology partner, NuEar, their northern migration path has helped us to become leaders in providing premium hearing care in the area. Learn how NuEar’s humble beginnings have…
The Importance of Hearing Aid Follow-up Care
Similar to when you break a bone and the doctor schedules you for therapy, we schedule you for follow-up care after receiving your first pair of hearing aids. Follow-up care is very important because every patient’s hearing is unique, so we need to ensure we are adjusting and modifying your hearing aids to fit your…
Is Untreated Hearing Loss Really Worth Gambling Your Career?
One out of ten full-time employees has a diagnosed hearing loss and another 30 percent suspect they might have a problem but have not received treatment. That means almost half of all full-time employees are experiencing either treated or untreated of hearing loss in the workplace. Hearing loss could be a result of conditions at…
Giving Back So Others Gain Better Hearing
Did you hear all the talk about Giving Tuesday this week? In case you missed it, Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday after Black Friday and Cyber Monday dedicated to giving back to those in need. On Tuesday, charities, families, businesses, community centers and students around the world came together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and…
Best Books About Hearing Loss and Related Topics
Are you interested in learning more about a specific hearing topic for yourself or a loved one? Or maybe you’re interested in a little light reading about what you’re experiencing with hearing loss or tinnitus? We’ve compiled a list of books, which are some of the more well known and most commonly referenced. We believe…
Tinnitus – An Unpleasant Remnant of Service for Veterans
It’s fairly common for veterans returning from training or combat to have irritating ringing in their ears. This ringing is called tinnitus. Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the ear or head when there is no external sound. It can be a ringing, chirping, whooshing, etc. and it can be debilitating. It can cause long-term…
Top Hearing Loss Myths and Misconceptions
There tends to be a lot of confusion and misinformation when it comes to hearing loss and hearing aid technology. Usually this is because most people don’t start researching hearing aid information until they or a loved one needs them. So today we’re shedding light on these hearing loss myths. Hearing aids are only for…
Will Insurance Cover the Cost of My Hearing Aids?
Insurance coverage is a very important consideration for anyone purchasing a pair of hearing devices, whether for yourself or a loved one. In fact, one of the most commonly asked questions we receive is regarding insurance coverage. For that reason, we want to make sure you are informed. There are a number of factors that…
An EarMold for Every Lifestyle
Did you know that we offer an array of earmold product for those who are trying to protect their hearing and who don’t have hearing loss? In fact, we help individuals of all ages and lifestyles get the earmold products they need for a variety of different activities. Today, we’re sharing some of those needs…