Separating hearing aid fact from fiction
Hearing and sight are arguably our two most important senses. Yet, if and when either starts to fail us (and both usually do as we age), we react to each quite differently. Look around at all the people with glasses, contacts, Lasik surgery or just cheaters, and it’s obvious that we have no problem or…
Can treating hearing loss help prevent dementia?
A study published in The Lancet, one of the world’s leading medical journals, called dementia “the greatest global challenge for health and social care in the 21st century.” The study, conducted by The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention and Care, noted that 50 million people have dementia worldwide — and that the number is expected…
5 reasons to treat hearing loss
So you’ve got a little hearing loss. What’s the big deal, right? It happens to almost all of us as we age. FACT: 37.5 million Americans 18 and older have hearing loss, including one out of every three, 60 and older. You can cope, you’ve decided. You’ll just turn the TV up a little louder. Ask…
Is ‘getting hearing aids’ on your honey-do list?
Treating hearing loss has been proven to provide many benefits, like better hearing, improved communication and confidence, and reduced risk of cognitive decline, to name a few. But friends and family get to enjoy the benefits of their loved one wearing hearing aids, too. Some benefits, like closer relationships, less worry, and increased participation are…
Repeat after me: hearing loss is treatable
Have you heard the saying, “it’s funny because it’s true”? This cartoon definitely falls under that category (though, admittedly, funny is a subjective concept). If you’re close to someone with hearing loss, it should at least resonate. We’ve all been there — acting as the translator…the repeater. If you have hearing loss, it should feel…
Do’s and don’ts of hearing aid battery care
Hearing aids batteries keep our ears going! Here are some quick do’s and don’ts to get the most out of your hearing aid batteries. Do’s 1. Do let your batteries rest for one min after you pull the tab off and before you put into your hearing aid.2. Do throw your battery away if your hearing aid…
Noise may damage more than your hearing
A female scream. Squealing brakes. A baby crying. An electric drill. Nails on a blackboard. They all make the list. The top 10 list. The top 10 list of the most unpleasant sounds according to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience. Instead of torturing you with the entire list, I limited it by…
Do’s and don’ts of getting hearing aids
Getting hearing aids is a big decision and a smart investment towards your future quality of life. Before you make the decision, consider these tips to help ensure you get the best hearing aids for your needs. Do’s 1. Do speak with a hearing professional about situations you want to hear and communicate in better.2. Do bring…
Do’s and don’ts of communicating in a busy environment
Hearing aids are amazing! But even people with normal hearing can sometimes struggle in loud environments. If you find yourself in a busy environment, these tips can help. Do’s 1. Do look at the people you are speaking with. We all use visual cues whether we realize it or not.2. Do try to situate yourself in good…
The connection between diabetes and hearing loss
The relationship between hearing loss and diabetes has long been debated. But research now concludes that hearing loss is more prevalent in adults with diabetes. One research study included data from participants ranging in age from 20 to 69. Important information they found: People with diabetes were 2x more likely to have hearing loss than…